801 - Possession of a Firearm Without a License
(1) - No person shall be in possession of a firearm open or concealed without a state issued permit with the specific firearms serial number on said permit unless they are at a range or within their own residence.
(2) - No person under the age of 21 years old shall be in possession of a firearm open or concealed unless at a range or within their own residence. Anyone under the age of 21 years old may not be in possession of a handgun at any time.
(Note: A weapon is not considered concealed if it is stored in a case with the ammunition and weapon seperate from each other. This will be considered "In transport" and the individual only needs to meet the federal age requirements for ownership per the Gun Control Act of 1968.)
Law enforcement officers are exempt from this code.
Sentence: 250 Seconds
Fine: $250
Last updated