F1-18 - Unlawful Manufacture/ Transport/Sale of Controlled Substance, Alcohol, or Tobacco Product
F1-18 (a) - Substances
Whoever manufactures, attempts to manufacture, or possess the means to manufacture any "Illicit Substance" as defined by 707 - Possession of a Controlled Substance.
Whoever manufactures, attempts to manufacture, or possess the means to manufacture any "Prescription Substance" as defined by 707 - Possession of a Controlled Substance without a license to perform production / manufacturing issued by the Bureau of Alcohal, Tabacco, and Firearms (ATF), physical facility security system, facility employment records, commercial operating liability insurance, self-administered quality control procedures (and self-inspection reports), and a list of substances/products to be manufactured/repackaged.
F1-18 (b) - Alcohol
Whoever manufactures, attempts to manufacture, or possess the means to manufacture any "Alcoholic Beverage" without a license to perform production / manufacturing issued by the ATF, physical facility security system, facility employment records, commercial operating liability insurance, self-administered quality control procedures (and self-inspection reports), and a list of substances/products to be manufactured/repackaged.
For the purpose of this code, an "Alcoholic Beverage" is defined as any beverage or liquid that contains more than 1% alcohol-by-volume (the percentage of alcohol within a liquid)
F1-18 (c) - Tobacco
Whoever manufactures, attempts to manufacture, or possess the means to manufacture any "Tobacco Product" without a license to perform production / manufacturing issued by the ATF, physical facility security system, facility employment records, commercial operating liability insurance, self-administered quality control procedures (and self-inspection reports), and a list of substances/products to be manufactured/repackaged.
For the purpose of this code, a "Tobacco Product" is defined as any of the following tobacco containing items/products: cigarette, cigar, dissolvable tablet, skin patch, hookah shisha, dip/snuff/snus/gel/gum/chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, packaged rollable tobacco, vape, e-cigarette, hookah pen, electronic nicotine delivery system/product.
F1-18 (d) - Transport
It shall be unlawful, and therefore a violation of this code, to knowingly transport any Controlled Substance, Alcohol, or Tobacco Product that was illegally produced under this code.
F1-18 (e) - Sale
It shall be unlawful, and therefore a violation of this code, to knowingly sell any Controlled Substance, Alcohol, or Tobacco Product that was illegally produced OR to sell these products without a license.
Sentence: 850 Seconds
Fine: $5000
Last updated