F1-19 - Unlawful Manufacture/ Transport/Sale of Firearms/Weapons

F1-19 (a) - Manufacture

It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture any weapon without the appropriate licenses granted and maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco, and Firearms (ATF).

F1-19 (b) - Transport

It shall be unlawful for any person to transport a handgun without a concealed carry license or any long rifle without having those weapons in a case with the ammo and firearm separate from each other and not within arm's reach of the driver or passengers

F1-19 (c) - Sale

It shall be unlawful to sell a firearm from a dealer without the proper licenses granted and maintained by the ATF. For private sales a background check must be done by a licensed dealer prior to completion of the sale.For this statue "Private Sale" is defined as a person-to-person transaction not associated with a business with up to, and not exceeding 2 legal firearms.


Sentence: 950 Seconds

Fine: $10000

Last updated