313 - Unroadworthy Vehicle

No person shall operate a vehicle on a roadway:

  • Having a windshield or window that is damaged or heavily cracked.

  • Having a tire that is severely deflated or has a tread thickness of less than 1.6 mm or 2/32 in.

  • That is missing a tire (driving "on rims").

  • That is missing a minimum of one functional red brake light and one functional headlight.

  • Having under glow that is either red or blue.

  • Having headlights that are not White, Xenon (Including Blue Xenon), or Yellow.

  • Having window Tints that are darker than 50% on the front windows and windshield is prohibited. The rear windows and back window can be as dark as you like.

  • That is wider than one lane without a DOT or Police escort and oversize-signage.

  • That has an unsecured load that has not been fastened in or attached to the vehicle with tarps, rope, straps, netting, or chains in such a way which poses a risk of falling or flying out of the vehicle.


Sentence: 0 Seconds

Licesne Points: 1

Fine: $500

Last updated