Cha. 7- Health and Safety Code
Medical AuthorityInvoluntary Commitment Authority701 - Minor in Possession of Alcohol702 - Sale of Alcohol to a Minor703 - Minor in Possession of Tobacco704 - Minor in Possession of Marijuana705 - Sale of Tobacco Products to a Minor706 - Possession of Drug Paraphernalia707 - Possession of a Controlled Substance708 - Sale of Controlled Substance709 - Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell710 - Possession of Human Remains711 - Unlawful Practice of Medicine712 - |BLANK|713 - Illegal Dumping714 - Exotic Pets Ban715 - Littering716 - Urination or Defecation in Public717 - Cannibalism719 - Trafficking720 - Medical Negligence